自忖, 相對而言 .....應不算大花筒 ....

但看罷火兄所介紹的一輯新聞透視, 講到田家炳先生,

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大蘿蔔就出左苗, 荷蘭豆都有苗,紅蔥頭都大o左... 但我d菜無乜苗頭蕃薯又無乜大...


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Got this email earlier today.... Let's share the joy and happiness of Christmas with our friends in the 3rd world.


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Read 火's extra 支出 today (pls see quote "引用"). His blog reminds me of my recent discussion with a friend on what I termed as "the schindler syndrome".

If you have not yet watched the 1993 movie Schindler's List, do try to borrow a copy and watch it, this is one of the greatest films in the 20th century. It told the story of a Nazi-German who saved several thousand Jews during WW II. Read the wikipedia for details.  

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Day 2 - continued to be in a very relax but adventurous mood

Breakfast - tried this exotic fruit (can't remember the name)

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Four-day trip to Bankgok

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上星期日去了城門水塘....我和 yb一見上斜坡便呱呱叫, 可憐攪手b被我兩個五體不勤的女子弄得哭笑不得.... 其實.... 條路好易行, 風景都ok.... 我地都只係攪下氣氛o者 

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一早起身落田, step 1 - 抄 notes, 我上星期開田時已落基肥, 有埋 composite

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