To me - Tonkichi (the one at World Trade Centre) serves the best 日式炸豬扒 in town (HK, I mean).
This grinded seasme cum sour sauce is superb.

Deep fat fried shrimps and oysters are also yummy

But no matter how good, the most delicious 日式炸豬扒 is found in Maisen in Tokyo (まい泉) . Maisen has several outlets, the one we patronised is at Harajuku -
Direction: when you hit LV at 表參道 - you just cross the footbridge and stop at the footpath that heads for 裡原宿 Look up and you'll see the circular logo - follow the logo (好似天地會跟暗號去秘密基地o甘) and you'll find the shop. Mind you, the porkchop sets are quite expensive - from 2000 yen to 6 or 7000 yen.
