Wrote this blog some days ago ...
"Today, I turn 38. A very good number ... (1) I used to take number 38 to my secondary school (a number which brings back lots of fond memories), (2) I sometimes had this student number (as my surname starts with a "Y" (but we sometimes had ten "Y"s in our class!! Had once vowed to marry a Mr Au such that I can come first ..... 超無聊
and most importantly, this signifies that I am one year closer to my retirement !!!!
this is not any resolution .... just my wish list....
No matter whether this is your birthday or not ... let's dream about the things we want to do
- do some volunteering work (a few days... to a few weeks)
- take the whole family for a trip (農姊, I'll pay for all transportation plus accomodation, but pls foot all the bills for meals )
- 返鄉下 (not Japan, though all my friends say Japan is my 鄉下 ... Fujian) ... really, have never been there my entire life
- try to live on $83/ day for 1 week and record my feelings here (this is roughly what a CSSA recipient is receiving ....)
- try to learn to accept myself ... ( ... what ?? Yes, I would become very unhappy whenever I think someone dislikes me ..... but I have to learn to accept that there bound to be someone (quite a few) who don't like me or even hate me
... Have to learn that I do not live on others' approval .... but God's approval !!!
Pray that I can transit from "我要我要" to I don't mind, I want to help, as you please, I can understand, I respect that ..... "