Aug 11 (am- around 3:00 pm)----

sleeping is really the best medicine .... after a whole-day coma plus congee only diet... was revived the second day... but to play safe ... only went to 三段壁....

really nice

紀州有兩樣名物...梅同備長炭... 在三段壁吃了梅雪糕...極像梅酒雪糕

then, 去了tore tore market

 tuna ...

頭 500 yen...顎 1500 yen  ....四分一身 6000-7000 yen ...if 靚...都好抵

market 附設 barbecue ... (2-300 yen pax)...料..of course 自己在market 買

sashimi --- ma ma dei

wagyu --- yum yum

O Toro sushi ... 1500 yen per dish .... the sushi rice was not good and the toro was just so so ...


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