Do five simple things a day to stay sane, say scientists

英國一大班科學家研究如何保持心理健康, 發現 ....

- 不要借貸...借貸的人一半(50巴仙)有心理問題 (大圍就係16巴仙的人有問題....)咪即係梗有一個係左近??

Steps to happiness

Connect  - 保持聯繫... 親人朋友--都係我們的後盾
Developing relationships with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours will enrich your life and bring you support

Be active  - 多多走動 - 身體好 .... 感覺都好
Sports, hobbies such as gardening or dancing, or just a daily stroll will make you feel good and maintain mobility and fitness

Be curious  - 八八卦卦 -- 發現新事物, 多欣賞
Noting the beauty of everyday moments as well as the unusual and reflecting on them helps you to appreciate what matters to you

Learn  - 學習 - 學煮菜/做蛋糕/拉二胡 --
Fixing a bike, learning an instrument, cooking – the challenge and satisfaction brings fun and confidence

Give  -- 施比受更有福
Helping friends and strangers links your happiness to a wider community and is very rewarding

Source: Foresight report

我知我知...看官會問o下...呢d"呀媽係女人" ...駛唔駛問科學家...農婦寫出來只係想話...快樂其實可以好簡單..... 之但係典解無提"食"


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