Day 2 - 一早 ... check out 後無聊聊, 一向唔賭的農公農婦就用package 送的coupon 去十六浦賭場換$300泥碼, 泥碼只可在好少人的"高注區"用, 而minimum bet 低到$300就淨得百家樂....

大鄉里農公農婦當然唔識玩百家樂, 是是但但擺在莊/閒.... 贏輸都唔知發生乜事, 但只用泥碼賭 .........第三鋪輸左d泥碼...但都贏左$585 .... (好似係比賭場抽左$15水)..... 唔理啦, 去robuchon 食lunch

orange foam on Sangria ...a bit sour ... good apetitizer

foie gras with corn paste ...  the corn was sweet, pesto droplets (green spots) were extremely delicious ... and foie gras was superb, as usual


soup ... OK la

fish was crispy and yummy

pork loin ... tasty but I should have ordered steak instead

mutton .... not my cup of tea ....

this time, the strawberry sorbet was superb!!!  others are good but should order all strawberry sorbet !!!

cannot stand the heat (本來諗住去掃街..... 但太熱, 秋天先 ), so take the shuttle bus to ferry pier and take another shuttle to the Venetian

MU Store ... Ronaldo and Tevez's stuff ... of course are on big sale

dinner time, would like to go and try Antonia .... but the shop only opens at 7:00 and we had the 7:45 ferry to catch .... so


好吃? 講不上 .... 但 surprisingly ... 又可以... 至少無ex-誠昌舅父仔的峰景o甘多味精



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