農婦估, 這問題, 主要視乎吃的人的過往經驗 (兒時某些味道最珍貴, 所以電影Ratatouille 裡的 Ego (名字改得好), 吃小老鼠煮的ratatouille, 感動了);
“好吃不好吃”, 甚至是家傳的(農媽煮的, 除了失手時, 都是天下美食… 農媽有農媽的堅持, 如新鮮食材(金針雲耳蒸雞用鮮雞, 炸豬扒用新鮮豬), 不怕油(炒菜從不吝惜油,栗子炆雞更會有一大塊肥豬肉[農媽說這才香],問你死未…, 不怕麻煩,街市頭走到街市尾,只為不同菜檔的不同菜最靚…), 各人家中煮食習慣不同, 當然口味也各異… 但某些堅持,還是要有的…
1. 好的食材(不一定新鮮才叫好, 處理得宜, 冰鮮甚至雪藏, 也可以好, 當然要配合煮法…雪藏的去清蒸—差不多等同自殺啦)…好的, 反應是指(不是谷肥)有豬味的豬..有雞味的雞….有蛋味的蛋…甚至是好的海鹽…米…糖
2. 用心的烹調…(這個, 是很多食肆缺的)
3. 夾味的才擺在一起 (一個味太搶…其他食材的味道不知跑到那裡去了)… 最好能吃出原味…互相提升…
最近身邊不停有人說… “這個好吃, 連xxx都說這個好”… “xxx” ..可能有Michelin…還有阿蘇….
參考別人的推薦, 有時是在茫茫食海中尋食的捷徑…但也得知道他們的偏好是否與自己的相同…是否有賣廣告之嫌等等…
像阿蘇..農婦已罷看…(因為她的推介…高中低的也有…睇來 “把鬼”……)
(1) 一杯好奶茶[茶不能太厚, 奶香與茶香平衡--- 農婦喜歡的, 有勝香園(略加濃), 旺角金華(不太多人時…否則茶略淡), 筲箕灣安利(這個農婦略嫌厚, 但okok),再加沖繩黑糖],
(2) 一份腿蛋三明治 [方包不烘, 但要新鮮, 以「香香麵包」的厚方包一開二為佳, 蛋皮要現做, 最好還有點蛋漿..蛋老了, 便不好, 腿不要高貴的或加瘦的, 正常如金妹牌便可 – 這個, 勝香園有];
(3). 濕粉 [這個較易做到 – 如豬骨湯底加通粉加火腿絲便可 (以前農場餐廳的就做得很好), 又或雪菜/榨菜肉絲米(要先用蒜頭和紅椒略炒, 不可做 “瀗”), 又或三寶(中芹+蔥+莞荽)牛肉(新鮮)米(新鮮牛肉下滾水本身已另湯甜, 再加一點雞湯(罐頭已可)…
難做嗎? 一點不難, 但有這樣的早餐… 在香港已只有碩果僅存的幾個地方才有了…
例如: 燒味
好吃的叉燒(農婦偏好蜜汁半肥瘦叉,不是南乳叉)… 要求是: 肉要鬆, 要有玫瑰露香(所有好的臘腸亦應有玫瑰露香) – 所以必須有點肥, 不是死甜…. 蜜味 – 不是蜜糖… 是麥芽糖…. 以前蓮香樓的堂食叉燒最好… 現在它的水準飄忽, 西苑、富瑤的… 對農婦來說, 不能叫好, 只是ok …. 怎算?? 打算自己做啦!!
好吃的燒肉 – 這個容易, 新鮮中豬, 稍為醃香(五香粉..)…那兒有? 太子永合隆
一大堆字, 無圖…勁趕客…但管他呢…農婦寫blog…主要是 “留予他年說夢痕” (天….甘正的書名…只有琦君諗得出)… 和跟有緣blog友分享
再和大家分享電影Ratatouille裡, 農婦很喜歡的quotes
Remy “If you are what you eat, then I only wanna eat the good stuff.”
Ego, ”In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talents, new creations. The new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new; an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking, is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, "Anyone can cook". But I realize - only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France . I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.”