目前分類:銅鑼灣仔飲飲食食 (108)

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去SAE大大話話有六七次, 今日去, 只因

(1) 本來想去個間無位, SAE又近

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在灣仔星街乜街有好多食肆, 琴日同fd 去從聖佛蘭士街入進教圍(有利大排檔隔離)的 La Fleur 食lunch - 雖則唔係ding 一聲好好味(即一試難忘o個隻), 但都好味and抵. set lunch ~80-90 

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Big discovery - HB actually prefers eating out (understandable, as if we eat at home, he would be the one cooking and doing the dishes)

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以前在CWB的食堂包括: 榮記車仔麵, 南記, 天勺, 峰壽司, DORAYA, Fat Angelo, Tony Romas...

但近來, 天勺好像....

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Went to 農圃飯店 to have dinner with friends last Friday. We had its signature dish -   古法糯米雞翼  - and it was really good.  (

forgot to take photo again.)

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剛過了的星期日去了在灣仔皇悅酒店內龍皇, 以前去龍皇, 是因為平靚正, 現在開始覺得它不再便宜, 是時候搵新竇了

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Left Office "early" (7:58 p.m.) yesterday as I have to work today anyway. Went first to causeway bay Doraya to have 

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Actually I had been down all week because of a very nasty co-worker (codenamed: dgc), who is sacarstic, mean and stupid.  Yet, good food is always good soother

To all (Secretary or not) who work so hard .... Happy Working Day!!!

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