病了幾天, 差點悶死了, 除了睡, 找吃, 就是在床上扮蟲.....

星期四開始病, 當日不忍掃農公和 his best friend 的興, 趕了他們去南華, 讓他們如常篤波, 自己乖乖的回家, 煮河粉....but as I was feeling dizzy and could not think straignt, 用了七八九十個盤子/碗....才做好簡簡單單的淨菜心河粉....and of course, the kitchen would look like someone had just prepared an elaborate banquet...... or , 像案發現場.....吃完當然是倒頭便睡

農公回到家,先看我,說很心痛我病什麼的,便去廚房收拾殘局.... 當然一句也沒有問我攪乜

星期五還在病, 農公也煮好稀飯才出門

常見老友兩公婆在做家務一事上"互相禮讓", lucky me, almost never have to worry about that as hubby would handle all housework .... though hubby could never learn 甜言蜜語, and never produce nice surprise, but his 溫柔仍是看得到的


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