以下好核凸的圖是drowsy 農婦畫的 Maslow's hierachy of needs.... which to me is bullshit...

I do not know anyone who esteems to achieve anything beyond the third level -- and most stay at second level (thinking that they are at the fifth level .)..

and for 農婦... only :

the lowest level (physiological needs such as food, water, air... ),

the second level (safety - security of health, physical safety, employment/ property security) and

the third level (love/ belonging)

count and their relative importance may not be the same as what Maslow had proposed.

呢輪.. 因為二. 三層的問題 (job security, sense of belonging .....)返工有d down ...就出我的心情急救殺手 .... comfort food... 亦即第一層d o野... 解救好悶好悶的心情..


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