去澳門... 必試澳式葡菜... 其實農婦未去過葡萄牙...但TV d portuguese food (gourmet food shows featuring Portugal) 又好似唔太像....

但呢... 農婦正儲心積慮去一次歐洲美食之旅...但hotel/cottage又貴, ..食都貴...有d仲要著晒suit先准入.... 最命係ticket又貴 (flying time多過 5 hours, 農婦這副老骨頭只能坐business...最cheap都要二萬幾)...加上農公農婦在Rome試過差d悶死左..... 所以呢世人只會去多one and only one time.....為左食....)

好... 講返 澳式葡菜...今次又試新野... "tum"仔的"亞馬交"....

好在訂左位...見佢地大把吉位(見下下下圖)都在趕客...話廚房做唔切...又見有姐姐勁"囈"都唔俾位.... 甘d食物如何??

sardine .... okok... 仲有鱗..都ok 味但農婦會opt for 鮮魚or 咸鮮... 即使有鱗..都唔會好味都叮一聲....

後邊罐葡萄牙汽水 (Sumol passion fruit)...罐同 bottled完全唔同味....罐的唔好飲...只宜飲玻璃瓶裝

這個聲稱用新鮮雞...肉質幾好....但骨唔硬.... 味都幾好.... 但呢...農媽做的印尼style 咖哩雞...必然用鮮雞... 好似仲正... 仲香d...ok, they are not exactly the same... but I think 農媽做的is superb....

if you asked me, I would say this is a family style restaurant and is quite interesting....I do not regret going there but it is not a must eat place....

翌日.... 又去陸軍俱樂部...門口姐姐話我地著得寒酸 (said that we were in tracksuit)...唔俾入... 農婦只好力爭...話上次都係o甘著... 差d話琴日去robuchon...都係o甘著.... 姐姐見我地賴死...又俾我地入去....

無乜骨氣的農家夫婦... 一吃d美食... 就乜氣都消晒....


豬身well marinated... 外脆內香... 又tender又succulent... d 氏片又好好吃....

這個上次向隅的duck rice... 好吃.... 好像煲仔飯.... 豬油混合鴨香... 令d飯...粒粒都好味...d 鴨肉反而可以skip (農公打包食晒)

後記:農家買葡萄牙汽水(係, 又托水回港)... 一向去開沙利民附近的什麼百利來... 但佢近來成日無貨... 後發現來來有... 仲平d


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