是的,又去Robuchon 。。。覺得這裡比澳門更好,仲好好多(也貴好多)。。。今次有備而來。。。帶晒耳環又穿著OK(話晒,我哋話俾人聽係Anniversary。。。)但農公覺得著得好啲好麻煩(其實只係著返工衫),話下次唔在去。。。

酸酸甜甜。。。下面fruity plus dd咸咸,好難唔好食


the form filled with lentil aroma.... great!

this is veal...

grapefruit ...

lemon or lime sobet... very refreshing....but love the yuzu jello (on the plate) even better..

love Metropolitan Hotel!! see that they have got a traveller socket?

酸酸甜甜。。。下面fruity plus dd咸咸,好難唔好食


the form filled with lentil aroma.... great!

this is veal...

grapefruit ...

lemon or lime sobet... very refreshing....but love the yuzu jello (on the plate) even better..

love Metropolitan Hotel!! see that they have got a traveller socket?
