只要不是太怕味精, 紅磡有不少有趣小店...


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今年農家出油 ...經濟唔好, 又無假....近近地 ... 去馬交

1st meal 去老布松 ..(話時話老布松好似又加價.).. . 食幾乎standard menu ...所以無影 ... 但農爸農媽農姐都話淨 like bread and dessert ... 其他 ma ma dei ...

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久聞呢間的車仔腸粉好威... 好...又來試下..

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朋友A牛一... 去了一點也不像社企的銀杏館(Gingko house)慶祝...


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話說去年十一月某周末要交屋予他人 .... "多餘"..和已"決定分手"的雜物舊衫全送去救世軍

在等的士之際 (七大袋) ... 無聊看自己捐了甚麼玩具...唔捨得呀 (農公注: 真係捐仔都莫摸頭)

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"The Road" ... a very heavy book ... but a good -- or, may I say, a great book.  I had to stop now and then when reading the book because of the pain inside (you will ache seeing the "man" and the "child" striving to survive without any certainty for personal safety, nutrition and shelter)...... but still ... if you wanna read one book this year ... read this (Chinese version :長路).

The Road is about the journey taken by "a man" and "a boy" in the post apocalyptic world (trying to go South where it should be warmer). The book does not try to give you any hint on how the world ends. It does not even bother to give you hope that mankind will survive ... but still ... the bond between the kid (still with a heart of gold) and the man is soo touching that you cannot put the book down once you've started reading it. And you would worry about the two when you are not reading ... 

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話說自從樂意居離開左coda plaza 後...農婦不斷尋覓好味蝦子柚皮 (係, 天使 Nicole, 我下一站會去試西苑)...

今次去鵝頸橋街市清真惠記 ... lunch 超爆場... 由農公外賣

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have a mini lunch reunion with high-school friends (actually all working in the vicinity)....

Some have to rush back to work ... hence, can't go to Wanchai ....

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hawker stalls outside ...

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